Thursday, December 20, 2007

Help Sink Old Navy's Blockade

Dear friends,

You would think a company that gets the vast majority of its business from Christians would be respectful of its customers. Such is true of companies that don't have an anti-Christian bias. But not at Old Navy. Old Navy has put a blockade around Christmas.

Old Navy, Gap and Banana Republic are owned by the same company. And all three boycott Christmas. At these stores, Christmas isn't allowed because a handful of non-Christians are offended. Old Navy doesn't want to offend non-Christians. But they sure don't worry about offending Christians. They will take your money, but they will not recognize Christmas.

Old Navy doesn't sell Christmas gifts. They sell "holiday" gifts. They don't close their stores on Christmas. They close on "holiday." They don't observe "Christmas morning," they observe "holiday morning." They don't wish customers a "Merry Christmas." They wish them a "happy holiday." Old Navy boycotts Christmas.

Old Navy has been boycotting Christmas for years. And despite thousands and thousands of requests to recognize Christmas, they refuse to do so. In fact, Old Navy is so adamant about boycotting Christmas that they have blocked incoming e-mails requesting they recognize Christmas.

When an Old Navy store manager was asked if the word "Christmas" was used in his store, he answered: "We have a lot of Christmas gifts in our stores, but the word 'Christmas' is not used here. Everything is 'holiday.'" Old Navy even makes a joke of Christmas by offering video greetings called "Happy Chrismukkah." Take Action!
Sign the petition & don't shop there.... ALL YEAR

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Declare Your Support for Mike Huckabee

Dear Friends,

You may already know that I support Mike Huckabee for President of the United States. Today, I let the world know that Mike has my vote by signing up at the new

Signing up takes only a minute, but it makes a big statement. Please join me in supporting Mike Huckabee. He is the only candidate who will take this country up, not down; the only one with a proven track record as an innovative, optimistic, and authentic conservative.

Declare Your Support for Mike Huckabee:

We can make a difference!


Go Huck GO!!! - Enlist Today

Reason to cheer!!!

3 Cheers!!!

I saw on the scrolling on the news channels that Mike Huckabee is in the top 3 in SC!!! Whoo HOO!!! (that is my hometown) and he is also up top in MI! He blazed an awesome trail in Iowa!!!

I just got my voting notice that the primaries are coming soon & I can't wait!!! "I LIKE MIKE." want to know why??? check out his website, or just ask me. I need to get a sticker...

Politics is my new found fun. I'd run if i had $$ ;-)



I am venting... and i think i must do so more often, lest i take out all my frustrations on Chad.

This week's venting is at KMart & Sears. Below is a copy of my letter... i sent one to each company. Feel free to copy & adjust & send your own.

"I am very disappointed that SEARS is refusing to acknowledge "Christmas" this year. I don't know what other "Holiday" celebrates with trees & ornaments & gifts & lawn decorations this winter, but last I checked, Christmas is on our nation's calendar.

Since your company refuses to recognize that Christmas is the reason for the "holiday season," I will be buying my Christmas presents for myhusband, 2 children, their 5 cousins, and the rest of the family from a store that respects & embraces the "holiday" that makes them billions of dollars. I hope your stock & share holders have a very Merry Christmas, and please let them know why they may not.

Sincerely,Jill Watson

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

He's Here!

Lucas Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

12:51 pm

8 lb. 8.5 oz.

20 1/2"

Placerville, CA

Natural birth... fun fun We had 24 hours of random, or 10 min apart contractions... went to the hospital & hung out for 3 hours ( midnite - 3am) went home, went back around 6-7 am and baby born just before 1 pm. Had nice drugs... supposed to be able to walk around, but i was pretty numb in the legs, not that i wanted to go for a stroll anyway. Think i had 2 refills, they wore off every 2-3 hours. contractions are for the birds...

He is now 3 weeks old & is weighing in at just under 9 1/2 lb. & has grown 1/2". Doctor said he's "perfect" at his 2 week check-up. and he goes back at 2 months. I had his portraits done & they should be back next week... and i ordered "announcements" so, those will go out soon.

Mom is just about fully recovered... some things are still a little painful, like running... I tried that today. We'll see how Turbo Jam goes tomorrow.

Chad's family comes into town this weekend! Should be fun...

Looking forward to Harry Potter movie... though i really wasn't fond of Order of the Phoenix... took me 3 starts to get through the first 5 or so chapters... and i finally pre-ordered book #7 I think has it cheapest, without going to a store to pick it up. we don't live near any bookstores... like 25 miles away... so, ordering it makes sense.

Hope all is well with everyone! If you're still reading this on this website, you need to get Facebook! Hmmm... maybe i need a new blog site since this one is supposed to be for Jake. Jake is good... now 2 years 5 months old & wants nothing to do with the potty. Otherwise, he's obsessed with Razor scooters. the heat let-up today & we got to play outside. scooter & soccerball, plus i think he got to feed the chickens & collect eggs. THe blackberries are starting to ripen, yummmm....
anyway... all for now, time to watch a movie! :-) much love to all!!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

24 days to go...

Here is most recent photo... think it is from 36 weeks... or just before... oh, from the 8 month mark. I don't look all that thrilled... the head on shot is much cuter, but not as effective.

well, we have 24 days to go (hope not that long) & so far baby is nameless. guess that's what happens when dad is in charge. I'm ready!!! i had my last appt. on Wed & was 80% effaced.

I go back on Full Moon Friday June 1 :-) i'll be standing outside the next few days to see if gravity wants to give me a hand.

Running out of clothes that fit. I am still under my Jake-weight, but i was large in winter last time... summer clothes don't stretch as much as giant sweaters.

Have those weird not-really contractions... those aren't much fun, but really not painful. I have the most problems at night. Sleeping is a challenge, except for the night we watched "letters from Iwo Jima", chad says i passed out 2 minutes later. He ends up on the couch a lot.. guess i have pregnancy snoring...

Can't wait for this to end.. i want to get a calendar shirt or something so random strangers will stop asking how much longer. I can read their minds & answer as soon as they stop me.

Today & yesterday i am all swollen. But we did a lot of walking yesterday & i did a lot of standing today.

So, expecting lots of babies in the next few weeks... The spring ones are done, 2 girls to former co-workers in Dallas. waiting on news of an April due baby, also in Dallas... then a set of twins in Dallas, another co-worker due same time as me, and another friend in dallas.... geez! trend here?
well, at least there is one boy in NC in October, and another month + to see what my little sister gets for round 2, also in NC.

K. I'm done. look for new post around 2.5 weeks to go.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Week 30!! 3/4 done

The END is in sight. Had another doctor visit today. All is well: BP, weight, measurement... baby's heartbeat seemed faster than last time. He wants me to make a decision about my delivery... and i want him to decide! he's the expert. I think I will go ahead and schedule the c-section & see if anything changes near the end. Maybe "Lil' W" will change his mind and come early. Otherwise, he said it would be June 14.

Need to check on my compadres who were due in April... see if anyone has had their baby yet.

So, on another baby related note... So, last July the last member of our wedding party got married. The other day we recieved a shower invite for one of Chad's groomsmen, so, all but one (that we know of) of our party has had kids, including our officiant!! I still think it is funny that the guy friends get girls. sigh.

School Answering Machine - Funny

This is hilarious - no wonder some people were offended!) This is the message that the Pacific Palisades High School ( California ) staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This is the actual answering machine message for the school. This came about because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework. The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades - even though those children were absent 15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough schoolwork to pass their classes.

The outgoing message: "Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:
To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1
To make excuses for why your child did not do his work- Press 2
To complain about what we do - Press 3
To swear at staff members - Press 4
To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5
If you want us to raise your child - Press 6
If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone -Press 7
To request another teacher, for the third time this year -Press 8
To complain about bus transportation - Press 9
To complain about school lunches - Press 0
If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behavior, class work, homework and that it's not the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!
If you want this in Spanish, you must be in the wrong country

Friday, March 23, 2007

Home stretch & other ramblings

WE are all doing well. baby is ultra dancy, though at our last check-up, heartbeat was on the slow end of normal. We are playing with names:

I really like Caleb, i was reading Numbers... nothing rhymes with it & it can't be shortened... but chad kinda gets to "name" this one... Middle name is Joseph, after my grandpa's middle name. He was the only grandpa i had, and he died in 88... first name was Alfred (i wouldn't curse any child with that!)
Chad likes: Samuel (though he didn't like it last time), Riley, Alex... I like: Caleb, Alex, Max, Lil' W (heheehe)

I dunno...

i'm trying to catch up on all Jake's scrapbooking... and photo albums, so at least something can be done. i went to a Creative Mem party/seminar the other day & they showed us their photo management software... pretty good, i almost bought, but you can get it 1/2 price or so on Ebay "Memory Manager 2.0" That's my biggest help, is storing digital files renamed with the dates taken... so at least i can get them in some sort of order.... Kim does a little better by making smaller folders & just ordering them immediately. I've started with selective ordering, instead of ordering a whole month of photos for $50 or so.

yesterday was a yuck day for me, but i took too many pain killers for my back & they made me dizzy. we are in the home stretch now... and i can't find the pre-register paperwork, so i guess i'm gonna have to go down there... ooops! so far we are expecting a normal delivery, told them we'd just wait & see... they ARE the professionals... what do i know?!?!I don't want to be demanding either way, coz i'm still not looking forward to the actual removal process. God can take care of that.

Prayers please for the AKE family (david, jamie, becca & baby o.t.w.: Elizabeth)... They had an abnormal ultrasound result at their 20 weeks & are facing a lot of challenges ahead. Pray for miracles!! Or at least good doctors, good friends, and a lot of patience.

Love all!! - jill & co.

Monday, March 19, 2007

3rd Trimester


How is it that when you hear the words, third trimester, the swelling comes immediately!!! How crazy is that??? so far, not as bad as last time. Then there's the heartburn, something i'm new to... no fun.
I have FINALLY made a purchase or 2 for "new baby". and we are kinda working on names. My front-runner is Caleb Joseph & Chandler Joseph (yeah, nothing to do with "Friends"). Chad likes Riley, and a few others that i don't hate, but not sold on... obviously, coz i can't even remember them!

I am loving Early Spring!!! we met some of the gang at the lake on sunday & it was sooo nice... not the water, just the weather. Jake had fun throwing "rocks" into the lake... they were rock wannabees. you could break them in your hands... wonder if that's how the karate show-offs break bricks with their heads... it's not really a "rock". ahhhh haa!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Joke

I didn't want to forward another Joke... so, i figured i'd just put it here! Laugh at will...

An elderly woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled, STOP! Acts 2:38 ("repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven).

The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done.

As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar, "Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you."

"Scripture?" replied the burglar.
"She said she had an Ax and Two 38's!"

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's a....

Boy. :-)

But he's healthy & all his parts are there & the fibroid is supposedly gone. So, baby boy Watson is due on June 21, 2007 :-)

Love to all! Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 12, 2007

Jake's vocab...

This may seem a little dumb, but Jake's vocab grows & grows & i need somewhere to keep up with it for forever... so, he's 25 months in a week...

Jake's Friends: mommy, daddy, momma, aggie, lucy, grandma, paw-pa, laura, gracie, tom, sidney, ernie, noah, genna, nick, ashley, kristin, robbie, evan, joey, josh, jeremy, kim, jon, ethan, brandon, britani, nate, jesse, gigi, tommy, paul, reed, grant, kate, great grandma

Animals: cat, dog, kitty, puppy, fish, frog, turtle, hippo, bunny, mouse, horse, chicken, rooster, sheep, turkey, pig, tiger, lion, snake, zebra, elephant, penguin, peacock, eagle, bird, bear, panda, whale, dolphin, starfish, lizard, cow, seal, crab,

Sounds: cow, sheep, dog, cat, elephant, rooster, chicken, turkey, mouse,

colors: black, brown, red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange

Shapes: triangle, star, heart, circle, square, oval, rectangle

food: hotdog, pizza, chicken, meat, grapes, berries, cheese, banana, orange, apple, sprouts (brussel), brocolli, raisin, cookie, chips, chocolate, milk, juice, soda, candy, lettuce, tomato, carrots, peas, corn, donut, bagel, bread, coffee, water, pretzels, sauce (ketchup or salsa or dressing),

misc: tree, ball, soccer, super bowl, kick, shoot, run, clap, hot, cold, outside, moon, stars, sun, clouds, flower, car, truck, airplane, helicopter, tractor, dump truck, trash can, garbage truck, digger, bulldozer, scooter, motorcycle, chair, boing (when he wants to jump on the bed), potty, poop, wet, rain, dark, fire, smell, bubbles, boats, boogers, present, balloon, hair, blocks, guitar, drum, xylophone, saxophone, tuba, piano, bowl, spoon, fork, cup, drink, food, brush, sleep, baby, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, boots, spider man, Cailou, Cookie Monster, Ernie, Elmo

body parts: arm, hand, fingers, toes (5), leg, knee, butt, belly, button, ears, eyes, chin, back, neck, fuzzy head, cheeks, teeth...

typical counting: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11teen....

alphabet song: a b c d f g or... e f g h i j k l m then he throws in some stars & random letters... why did they make the alphabet song & Twinkle Twinkle sound the same?!?!?!?

Phrases: what's that? look at that! want the ____. More ______. My Jake. Big brother. it's dark. Fire's hot. No poop. Giant butt. Hold it. Touch it. mine! Little butt. Jump the bed. Get down. All done.

Okay... my brain is done thinking...

1 more day!!!! then we'll KNOW!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Just lying around

Just a week & 1/2 to go... i can't stand the suspense... Don't know how people can go their entire pregnancy not knowing who is in there! We will be at week 22 when we find out.
Maybe then we'll have a better idea of what kind of delivery to expect. Jake was a c-section, but not by choice, and it was GREAT! This time I told the doctor we'd just wait and see...
We do have a fibroid in there competing with baby though, so we'll get to see it, and how much it has been growing... then maybe know how big of a threat it is to baby. Again, i'm not looking forward to either delivery type. In high school I thought for sure that they'd have incubators ready by time I had kids... Fortunately, God knows best & getting baby out unscathed is the important part.
For all my new soon-to-be mommies... let me recommend, "On Being Babywise." (it could be Becoming Babywise... it's in the other room & i'm not gonna go get it. My little sister used it & recommended it & sent it to me... and I can't believe i've been raising Jake without it!! Of course you can do the trial & error method with baby #1, but I really wish i hadn't.
okay... off my soapbox.
next post on Jake!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Been A LONG time....

It has been forever. Feb 2007 is knocking at our door, good coz that means we get paid :-)

JAN - was good... Jake turned 2!! I turned 32 :-/ We saw our families for the holidays & even a few friends in Dallas. Found out a few others are expecting!! YEY!! CONGRATS to Jan, Miche, Brooke, Melody!!!!

Upcoming: 2/14 we find out about baby #2... it doesn't really have a "nickname" at this point. Guess most commonly known as Jake Jr. Otherwise, Feb is a nice short month. Maybe we'll get some rain/snow someday....

For my East Coast & Texas friends, we live in Monsoon type area... no rain (or clouds) all summer long... then Oct - April it rains/snows about every other day. Well, it's been sunny & 50-70 degrees thus far this winter. I think there was a snow while i was traveling... and we got one in November. A lot of apples & grapes & berries live up here that need water!!

anyway... enough about the weather.

Don't want to make this one too long, so I'll stop here. Don't know if anyone is even still checking to see if i update anymore.

Lotsa love!!