Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am venting... and i think i must do so more often, lest i take out all my frustrations on Chad.

This week's venting is at KMart & Sears. Below is a copy of my letter... i sent one to each company. Feel free to copy & adjust & send your own.

"I am very disappointed that SEARS is refusing to acknowledge "Christmas" this year. I don't know what other "Holiday" celebrates with trees & ornaments & gifts & lawn decorations this winter, but last I checked, Christmas is on our nation's calendar.

Since your company refuses to recognize that Christmas is the reason for the "holiday season," I will be buying my Christmas presents for myhusband, 2 children, their 5 cousins, and the rest of the family from a store that respects & embraces the "holiday" that makes them billions of dollars. I hope your stock & share holders have a very Merry Christmas, and please let them know why they may not.

Sincerely,Jill Watson

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