Friday, February 10, 2006

We're back!

Howdy! We had a few weeks with no internet connection in the house... but it's all better now!

Jake is all better as well. At his one year check-up, they gave him shots AND put him on an antibiotic on the same day. The next week he broke out in hives. That was NO fun. Poor little itchy man. Fortunately, the antibiotic had already done it's job, so we took him off of that. The dr. said to assume it was an allergic reaction to the penicillin, but several other moms have told me of bad reactions to the MMR shot. Well, he doesn't get another one of those 'til kindergarten.

He weighed in at 20 lbs. even (fully clothed). and was 30 1/2" tall. Tall & skinny they said.

Don't think we have to go back for awhile...

Well, Chad has already given me my Valentine's present... a new digital camera!!! YEY! We got ours for our honeymoon, so it's almost 3 years old. And since i LOVE to take photos of my mini-man... i'm super happy! He's also getting me a thin Bible, coz it's challenging lugging the huge Study Bible, and a baby, and a diaper bag, and whatever else to church on Sunday morning. Chad has to go in earlier so he isn't around to help carry.

Snow photo is from Winter Camp & our trip up the mountain to play in the snow. Jake was NOT fond of snow... cold, wet... what's to like ;-)

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